Monday, May 5, 2014

Cubicle Art

I didn't actually do this today, but I did find this today, so I say it counts. At my last job, I had one of those tall cubicles, and it was awful. I couldn't see any windows and I could go whole days without anyone talking to me. Actually, since I couldn't see any windows and thus lost the concept of time I don't actually know for sure how long I went between people stopping by.

Regardless, the only way I could find to stay reasonably sane (not counting the fairly severe claustrophobia I developed at this time) was to draw stuff on sticky notes. Mostly velociraptors. Fine, all velociraptors. One raccoon. The rest were velociraptors.

So my ugly gray cubicle walls were plastered with red- and blue- and black-inked velociraptors, and it was so much better. My favorite was named Terry. I still keep Terry around.

This is not a picture of Terry. The ones I put on sticky notes were much better. But I did draw this for someone who lived far away but desperately needed a cubicle velociraptor RIGHT THIS SECOND but couldn't draw velociraptors by themselves, so I made them this:

Totally worked.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Running around in a circle, waving your arms and screaming

I often daydream at work about suddenly tossing a stack of papers in the air and running around in a circle, waving my arms overhead and screaming. It's a coping mechanism for the stress and monotony of The American Cubicle Monkey.

Today is Saturday, and while I've spent plenty of it on work, I haven't been into the office (thanks, Internet). But I was reading last week's issue of Time and felt that familiar urge creep in.

That's silly, said the single adult cell of my brain, and you're not even at work.

So? said the rest of the cells.

And so, in the middle of an article about The Daily Show, I threw the magazine in the air, jumped off the couch and started running and waving and screaming, in circles in the living room, down the hall, in circles in the bedroom, back down the hall, rinse and repeat.

It was incredible. I cannot even tell you how amazing it felt. Score one for the rest of the cells. I'm going to have to try this at work and see if it feels as good there.

Of course, now I have to try to convince my dog and my cat that I'm not mortally injured or insane, so there's one downside, but otherwise? Flawless. Would definitely recommend.